Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Here is the first list of donations we will be collecting at the December De-Clutter Club Meeting, December 1, 2011, Program Room 1A/1B

Clear out your pantry and your cupboards for The South Brunswick Food Pantry. This is their list of items they need for the holidays:

•Jelly or Jam
•Parmalot Milk
•Canned Meats (Chili, Beef Stew, Canned Chicken, etc.)
•Snack Foods (granola bars, crackers, cookies, snack packs, etc.)
•canned tomatoes
•canned beans
•canned vegetables
•boxed macaroni and cheese
•cereal/oatmeal/pancake mix and syrup
•boxed potatoes and boxed rice
•canned yams
•canned chicken broth
•Super Market Gift Cards

The Food Pantry collects food all year long, so they will take any other canned or boxed items from your pantry that you may want to move along to others.

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