I think the subject of coupons, thrifty living, how to economize and cost savers might be more prolific these days than even the subject of de-cluttering and organizing. I used search terms like “thrifty,” “frugal,” “coupons” and “economize” in Google and got more hits than I could handle in the way of sites that can help you keep more of your money in your pocket. Most of the sites include tips and instructions on how to use the information on their site (and others) to save you money. If you spend time reading through all these sites, researching and planning, you can save yourself lots of money – you won’t have time to shop, cook or eat so you won’t have to worry about over spending!
The site I mentioned in my last blog, www.becentsable.net, probably came after the publication of the book. Spurred on by the popularity of the book, Chrissy Pate and Kristin McKee must have found that creating their own website to provide the kind of information they found in other sites they recommend in their book was a profitable business. Their site, like many others, is a great site to find coupons for the items you normally buy and for finding some new, perhaps less expensive and better discounted items that would work as well as any others.
One of the sites the authors’ recommended, that undoubted gave them ideas about what to include on their own site, is www.hotcouponworld.com. This is a site that has a full list of “training” information: Couponing 101, 102, 103 and Stockpiling 101. There is also a list of abbreviations that they use in their coupon database. These can be found in the box to the right of the opening screen labeled Couponing Basics.
Another site, I have even seen advertised on television, is Coupon Suzy’s website: www.couponsuzy.com. This site even has a calculator feature that can give you a total of the money you will save by using the coupons you print.
Perhaps the person that may have been one of the pioneers of this savings craze is Amy Dacyczyn who started publishing her Tightwad Gazette back in 1990. She is quoted in many of today’s “frugal ways” websites and blogs, including www.mydollarplan.com, www.mlife.com, www.thenonconsumeradvocate.com, www.thesimpledollar.com, www.yardsalequeen.blogspot.com, and www.frugalforlife.blogspot.com, all of which come up on a Google search of Amy Dacyczyn’s name.
Interestingly, a lot of the authors of these sites also have books to sell, which will cost you some money! Come to the library and borrow all the books you will ever want or need! We are one of the best cost savings available that is free to you to use as much as you like! Happy reading!
If you are down about the economy try reading one of these authors mentioned, espec Amy D. Very inspiring! Worth the investment if you do purchase a book.